20 Something

Age of 20 is the most critical part of everyone's life.
We start to ask question about our life.

At 20, most people feel confused not knowing what they want or where the heck they have to go.

This is the age, when we begin to make decision.
The decision that will determine our future life.

If you take the wrong decision, you will end up being in the wrong place with wrong people. Living a bad life that you haven't ever imagined.

We begin to start overthinking - like a lot.
Life is more complicated, even for choosing what to eat.

People start judging you without even try to understand the reason behind every decision you take.

You read a lot of books but end up feeling stupid.
You begin to criticize and being cynical of everything.

The older one start to put pressure and responsibility for you to take and carry on.
Life's not as simple as picking what crayon color you want to use for drawing.

Your seniors - older generation - label you as the 'lazy' one. 
They said your generation is luckier and most people in your generation want to reach overnight success, which is impossible. 

But despite all of these you also apparently being smarter, more energetic, more passionate.
You have thousands of ideas on your mind and you have the ability to implement those!

You can set your own goals, ambitions, and prove to the world.

This age, they said, the period of time when you can do anything you want.
You can be another 'Steve Jobs' or 'Paul Mc Cartney' or whoever you name it. You could be legend!

Don't be afraid of making decisions or carrying the heavy weight of responsibility.

Sometimes it feels relieved that you have passed all of those shitty things.

Be old and wise even if you're young.
Be kind, it costs you nothing and it's addictive.
Never make enemy, this world is too small, you never know what happened in the future.
And always care of your health even if you're too busy or too stress, you have long road to take.
Save it for later.

And the most important one is...
Being grateful for whatever you have now. 

Being 20 something is bad and good at the same time.
I'm 24 and I enjoyed every second of it.

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